

Fleet management for the smart cities of tomorrow

Challenges for effective fleet management

Comprehensive Data Monitoring

By driving the collection tours in one period of time, you risk to drive to households which have no or only half full garbage bins.

Substitute driver

A substitute driver takes over the collection tour if the regular driver is unavailable. This will lead to problems if the tours are unknown.

operating data

To keep the vehicles in optimal working condition, you need information about the driving performance of drivers and the status of trucks.



IMPROVE FUEL Utilization BY monitoring fuel levels

Fuel Level Monitoring is one of the core requirement by the fleet manager to track their assets. Our system measures accurate volumes of fuel in tank also detects immediately irregularities or sudden drops in fuel level. Prevents fuel theft from tank and track assets in real-time. MOBA setting a new benchmark in fuel efficiency and operational excellence. Choose MOBA and be a part of this revolutionary journey.

Increase your job site efficiency with MOBA!​

Do you have questions about our laser levels? We are ready to help you!

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Pioneering Fleet Management with Cutting-Edge Connectivity

MOBA GPS fleet management offers useful data about fleet using GNSS for acute location tracking on real-time. The user can notify for customised alerts like speed, location, box-open alerts, fuel theft alerts, disconnection of fuel sensors, over-stoppage, harsh accelaration, harsh braking, speed violation, sharp turn, using 6-axis gyro+accelaration module. User get regular notifications via sms, emails, and app notificationfor all actions taking place while driving. Reduce the vehicle idling time to increase the vehicle performance and reduce the cost. The user can implement geo-fence locks, driver identification and attendace for specific requirement.


Empowering Safety, Efficiency, and Compliance on the Road Ahead

The AIS 140 is a GPS vehicle tracking and monitoring device that is certified with the Automotive Industry Standard (AIS) 140 regulation. Revolutionize your fleet management with our cutting-edge MOBA AIS 140 4G device. It supports GNSS +IRNSS for accurate location tracking and works on GSM/GPRS for data transmission to the backend server. It is capable of generating alerts for pre-defined events, viz. box-open alerts, fuel theft alerts, harsh acceleration, harsh braking, speed violation, harsh cornering & panic alert and many more. It contains a 6-axis Gyro + Accelerometer module which can be configured as per user requirement. It supports one-wired I-button/RFID for driver identifiacation. 


Increase your job site efficiency with MOBA!​

Do you have questions about our laser levels? We are ready to help you!

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The MOBA Fuel Dispensing Management System is developed to track and monitor daily fuel dispensing activity from a mobile bowser or a filling station. The FDMS has an RFID tag that can identify a vehicle and a fueling nozzle, making it simple to use. This system integrates with a mobile application and a web service, allowing users to not only monitor and evaluate fuel distribution quantities, but also to prevent pilferage.



A smart dispensing unit with hassle free dispensing and online connectivity. It can be installed easily on mobile bowsers. A single enclosure comprises of Hydraulics and Automation making it a compact mobile dispenser. It has advantages of mobile dispensing unit, FDC and FDMS all together.



providing reliable performance

FUELMATIC is a complete solution for on-site low consumption areas. It is a 950 Litre Fuel Tank with built-in dispensing unit along with MOBA FDMS system. It can be used as stationary unit and can also be placed on a mobile vehicle to carry it easily for re-fueling. It has a convenience to be used on AC Power Supply and also comes with DC Battery Supply with charging facility. All safety devices like Fusible Plug, Pressure Vacuum Vent and Fire extinguisher are installed with the Unit. A standard 10mtr Hose Reel, Auto-cutoff Nozzle, Metering with pump & motor arrangement along with Vehicle authentication and RFID Based Automation to Track all the Fuel being dispensed via FUELMATIC.


providing reliable performance

ATG is a smart way to continuously monitor the FUEL Level in storage tanks. It can be installed in Underground/Stationary tanks or Mobile Bowsers/Tankers with FUEL LEVEL and TEMPERATURE visible continuously on the Online portal with Graphical representation. In case of underground tanks Water level as well as density of fuel can also be monitored to identify the dilution of the fuel quality. ATGs are the best way to monitor and Track the total fuel stock with-in company and at each site.



Empowering Efficient Fleet Management with Advanced Software Solutions

Unlock the full potential of your fleet management operations with MOBA Cloud and its suite of cutting-edge software solutions. Engineered to streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and maximize efficiency, MOBA Cloud offers a comprehensive platform tailored to meet the unique needs of modern fleet managers.

Your Advantages

  • Manage your entire fleet from a single, intuitive dashboard. MOBA Cloud provides centralized access to real-time data, enabling you to monitor vehicle status, track performance metrics.
  • Track the location, status, and usage patterns of vehicles and equipment in real time, allowing you to maximize asset utilization, prevent theft, and minimize downtime.
  • Adapt MOBA Cloud to your unique business needs with its scalable and customizable architecture. Whether you operate a small fleet or a large enterprise, MOBA Cloud can be tailored to accommodate your specific requirements, ensuring flexibility and scalability as your business grows.
  • Easy to customize or upgrade with new functionalities
  • Mobile APPs for maintenance & inspection, asset management, task management and service support
  • Out-of-the-box interface for easy and fast integration of third-party systems

Increase your job site efficiency with MOBA!​

Do you have questions about our laser levels? We are ready to help you!

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In addition to our headquarters in Germany, MOBA is represented by its subsidiaries in Europe, USA, South America, India, Asia and Australia, and by a worldwide dealer network in all key markets in the sectors it serves.

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Singh Ashwini

Sr. Sales Manager for Retail (India)